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苹果版下载imtoken 2023-04-09 07:58:40




李某某,原名李某祥,男,1955年出生于上海,后成为伯利兹人,但长期在中国经商。 2009年,李某某参加某西方大国的反华活动时,结识了反华活动人士杨某某。此后,李某某知道杨某某从事危害我国国家安全的犯罪活动,长期支持杨某某进行相关犯罪活动。其中,2016年至2019年,李某某向杨某某提供了10万多美元现金或支票,折合人民币100多万元。













张某1、张某东、吕某春、张某2、张某莲和张某3(张某1的弟弟,12岁)都是“全能神”成员邪教组织成员。 2014年5月28日15:00左右,6人在山东省招远市“麦当劳”府前广场餐厅用餐。其间,张某东和张某莲去金都购物中心买了两把拖把、手机等物品。 21:00左右,张某1、卢某春指示张某2、张某连和张某3向餐厅内其他顾客索取联系方式,为“全能”会员的发展做准备。神”组织。当张某2两次向受害人吴某某(女,35岁)要手机号码被拒绝时,张某1、卢某春认定吴某某为“恶灵”,张某某1开始骂人“恶鬼”和“恶魔”,他上前抢走吴某某的手机,让他离开餐厅。被拒绝后,张1随后在餐厅用座位砸了吴某。吴某某反抗,在场的张某东、吕某春、张某与张某某一起上前将吴某某撞倒在地。张某某1连连喊着“杀了她,她是魔鬼”,双手捧着餐桌,连连跳起来,踩在吴某某的头和脸上。随后,张某1将张某东买的拖把分别递给张某东和张某3,指示张某东、张某2、张某联、张某3上前“咒骂”并殴打吴某。谁谁。张某东拿起拖把,连续拍打吴某某的头和脸,直到拖把被打断。在吕某春的吩咐下,他将吴某某从桌椅之间拽了出来,上前用脚用力踢踏。 ,跺着吴某某的头和脸。张某还用椅子和扫帚殴打吴某某的背部和腿部,吕某春踢向吴某某的腰部和臀部,并指使张某联和张某3殴打吴某某。其间,卢某春用拳头殴打餐厅工作人员,威胁“谁管谁死”,阻止餐厅工作人员和其他顾客救出吴某某,并与张某一起砸向餐厅柜台工作人员的头盔。警察。民警赶到现场后,张某东、张某仍殴打吴某某。公安人员上前制止并逮捕了张某东和张某。 2、张某莲极力阻挠,在周围群众的帮助下,公安人员将这6人制服并逮捕。 “120”急救医生到达现场后,确认吴某某已经死亡。经鉴定,受害人吴某某死前头部和面部被大面积硬质钝物击中,并受到一定面积硬质钝物的多重影响,造成颅脑损伤死亡。


张某1从2007年开始接触和信仰“全能神”。2008年,他通过网络认识了陆某春,并保持着频繁的联系。他多次跟随吕某春到招远参加“全能神”信徒的聚会。 2008年底,张某1先后将张某东、陈某娟(张某1的母亲)、张某2、张某3等家人培养为“全能神”信徒。 2009年,张某1和家人从河北省无极县搬到山东省招远市。张某1被“两个证人”(“全能神”邪教组织头目)范某峰、李某旺(分别处理)逮捕。确认为“长子”。此后,张某1和卢某春先后在招远市及辖区内玲珑镇、灿庄镇、岐山镇等地秘密集结40余名“全能神”信徒100余次。张某东积极参加党的活动。期间,卢某春、张X1印发了《话在肉身》、《七雷声》等“全能神”宣传资料数十份,并利用网络制作了97篇关于传播《全能神》,累计访问量超过17万次。









对于邪教组织所犯罪行,不仅要依靠公正审判严惩凶手,安抚死者,消除恐慌,更重要的是打好法治之战,引领以法治精神打击邪教,以法治精神开展反邪教斗争。 ,以法治理念引导反邪教教育。人民法院依法审理邪教组织犯罪,既体现了打击邪教犯罪的法律威严,又严格把握邪教与正常宗教界限的法律精神,使全社会能够认清邪教的本质和危害,让人们珍惜生命,远离邪教。邪教。





2020年5月至6月至2021年4月,潘某某未经有关部门合法批准,未取得危险化学品经营许可证,使用自行改装的带塑料油桶的苏F0D9K5和苏E79V3Y金杯面包车和苏FP33G6东风不锈钢油桶电机采用外接电池和电动油泵为别人的汽车加油,共售出6000多升汽油。 2021年4月14日,潘某某被公安机关逮捕,次日取保候审。取保候审期间,潘某某于同月22日将改装的苏E79V3Y金杯面包车停放在路边,路边存放着汽油。油桶给别人开的车加油。在加油后的加油作业中,电池被非法使用为油泵供电,导致苏E79V3Y面包车起火。消防救援人员及时赶到,没有造成严重后果。火灾导致潘某某下肢烧伤。现场附近的三辆汽车和一辆电动自行车受损,居民附近的两台室外空调机受损。经消防部门调查,起火原因是苏E79V3Y金杯面包车加油舱内的汽油蒸气被电火花引爆,引发灾难。经鉴定,潘某某销售的油品符合汽油指标特征,为含硫量不合格的汽油产品;三辆被毁车辆总值26734元。






安全生产理论和实践证明,只有坚持风险预控,门槛前移,加强隐患排查治理,才能更有效地预防重大特大事故的发生。严重的生产安全事故。刑法的打击对象不仅限于违反安全规定而实际造成重大事故的,还应包括导致事故隐患的严重违法生产经营行为。 《中共中央国务院关于推进安全生产领域改革发展的意见》明确指出,要研究修改刑法有关规定非法采矿多人参与怎么判,将生产经营过程中易导致重大生产安全事故的违法行为纳入刑法调整范围。 2021年3月1日起施行的刑法修正案(10一))增加了刑法第一百三十四条之一,将严重违法和违法生产经营三类规定为犯罪。生产经营单位和相关个人必须严格按照法律法规从事生产经营活动,切实消除侥幸心理,否则可能受到刑事处罚。




江某某于2008年4月购买了金山沟煤矿的所有权,先后取得采矿许可证、安全生产许可证和工商营业执照。 2015年底,他动员他人共同投资煤矿。蒋某接手了金山沟煤矿。 80%的股份,其他股东持有20%的股份。双方同意共同生产、经营和管理煤矿。蒋某某履行董事长职务并担任法定代表人,负责组织煤矿生产技术改造,组织安全生产和正常运行。活动,其他股东给予支持与配合。金山沟煤矿采矿许可证规定的合法开采范围为大石煤层和二连子煤层,开采深度为海拔410米至207米。 2013年初,蒋某某决定在大石炭系煤层下部开采K13煤层,并联系私人钻井队钻探K13煤层。 2013年底至2014年初,分别从两个方向开挖K13煤层,随后分别于2014年底和2015年底开挖K13煤层。 2015年5月22日,当地地质矿产勘查开发局地质队到金山沟煤矿实地考察,发现巷道超界布置问题,形成了雷场检查报告并报当地国土资源和房屋管理局、当地国土资源和房屋管理局 同年6月17日、8月7日,该局下发了《责令停止违法行为的通知》和“ 《行政处罚决定书》分别责令金山沟煤矿退回矿区内的矿区,封闭边界外布置的巷道。安排工人用砖墙封闭边界以外的道路。同年8月11日,地方国土资源和房屋管理局地矿科、执法大队、地矿勘查开发局地质队、所在镇安监办煤矿所在煤矿到金山沟煤矿进行现场检查,确定两条跨界巷道已被封堵。 巡查员离开后,蒋某某立即下令拆除封闭的砖墙,继续挖掘跨界巷道。 2016年初,蒋某某指示矿长邹某某组织人员非法开采K13煤层。截至2016年10月31日事故发生时,金山沟煤矿共有跨界巷道2679.36米,跨界地下开采利用煤炭资源17580吨。按矿场最低价186.93元计算,全矿非法矿产品总值3 286 229.4元。

蒋某某组织指导矿长邹某某等人在K13煤层非法开采过程中严重违反安全管理规定。在K13煤层南北翼未形成正常通风系统的情况下,采用局部风机进行风采。煤炭;开挖过程中未实行“一枪三查”和“三人链式爆破制度”,炮孔未被水泡、泥土堵塞,未使用的炸药、雷管被非法存放在地下;过时的“隧道采矿”技术用挖掘代替了采矿。 2016年9月7日,因当地一起爆炸刑事案件,为防止民爆品被封锁导致停产,蒋某某指示邹某某在公安机关关闭仓库前将部分民爆品转入地下。 同年9月下旬,因临近国庆,为防止民爆被堵导致停产,蒋某某再次决定将部分民爆转入地下,并指示邹某某安排大量炸药和雷管被侵犯两次。它被转移到地下煤矿和浴室更衣室的柜子里存放,然后在同年10月15日之前用完。 2016年10月11日至12日,当地煤炭监管局对金山沟煤矿进行检查,发现违法违规和事故隐患12处,责令其继续停止所有井下开采作业,立即整改,通过经验,并改善复工。采矿只能在生产程序之后进行。金山沟煤矿未经整改和复工复产手续,继续非法开采。同年10月31日11时24分,金山沟煤矿K13煤层第一采煤面在爆破落煤过程中发生瓦斯爆炸,造成井下作业人员33人死亡。

国务院事故调查组认定,“10.31”金山沟煤矿特大瓦斯爆炸事故为生产安全事故。此次事故的直接原因是金山沟煤矿在超层、跨界非法采煤区采用了国家明令禁止的“隧道式采煤”工艺。现场供气不足,导致气体积聚;非法“肉眼”爆破产生的火焰引爆了瓦斯,煤尘参与了爆炸。金山沟煤矿作为事故的主要责任单位,长期存在非法开采K13煤层、非法使用民爆物品、安全管理规章制度不落实、不落实安全监督监督指示等问题。 .

一审法院裁定:蒋某某作为金山沟煤矿的直接负责人,违反矿产资源法规定,未取得采矿许可证开采煤炭资源,构成非法采矿罪,且情节特别严重的; , 企业负责人和负责组织、指挥、管理经营活动的投资人在组织、指挥、管理生产经营过程中违反有关安全管理规定,造成重大事故的,其行为构成重大责任事故罪。情况特殊 暴力; illegal storage of civilian explosives in violation of regulations, the behavior constitutes the crime of illegal storage of explosives, and is the main culprit in the common crime of illegal storage of explosives, and should be punished according to law. Jiang Moumou was sentenced to seven years in prison for the crime of major liability accident; six years in prison for illegal mining and a fine of RMB 1.5 million; eight years for illegal storage of explosives, and it was decided to execute He was sentenced to 20 years in prison and a fine of 1.5 million yuan. After the first-instance judgment was pronounced, Jiang Moumou did not appeal, and the other defendants in the same case appealed. The court of second instance ruled: The appeal was dismissed and the original judgment was upheld.

(二)Reason for Judges

Article 125, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law stipulates that anyone who illegally manufactures, trades, transports, mails, or stores firearms, ammunition or explosives shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to ten years of imprisonment. fixed-term imprisonment of not less than one year, life imprisonment or the death penalty. Paragraph 1 of Article 134 stipulates that whoever violates the relevant safety management regulations in production or operation, thus causing a heavy casualty accident or causing other serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; if the circumstances are particularly serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years. Paragraph 1 of Article 343 stipulates that, in violation of the provisions of the Mineral Resources Law, mining without a mining license, entering mining areas planned by the state, mining areas of great value to the national economy, or mining areas of others, or mining without authorization If the circumstances are serious, the state stipulates that a specific type of mineral is to be mined for protection, and if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also or only be fined; gold.

In this case, Jiang Moumou exploited coal resources beyond the scope stipulated in the mining license, and the value of the mined mineral products had reached the standard of particularly serious circumstances stipulated in Paragraph 1 of Article 343 of the Criminal Law; Violating the relevant safety management regulations, resulting in a serious casualty accident, resulting in the death of 33 people, and the main responsibility for the accident, which meets the criteria for determining the circumstances as specified in the first paragraph of Article 134 of the Criminal Law; Detonators and other civilian explosives are illegally stored underground in coal mines and in above-ground bathroom dressing room cabinets, which meet the constituent elements of the crime of illegally storing explosives as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of Article 125 of the Criminal Law. Therefore, the people's court shall apply the sentence range of fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years to the crime of illegal mining and the crime of major liability accident committed by Jiang Moumou according to law, and shall be punished together with the crime of illegal storage of explosives, and decided to execute a fixed-term imprisonment of 20 years. and fined.

(三)Typical meaning


Underground mining and production operations in coal mines are highly dangerous and must adhere to the strictest safety standards. Coal mine safety is the top priority of my country's production safety. In recent years, my country's coal mine safety situation has continued to improve steadily, but the situation is still severe and complex. Some coal mining enterprises do not pay enough attention to safety production, the investigation of hidden dangers of accidents is unclear, the implementation of safety production measures is not in place, and underground production safety accidents in coal mines occur from time to time, causing bad social impact. Judicial organs must crack down on illegal and illegal production and operations in coal mines according to law, especially for illegal and risky mining, illegal manufacturing, trading, and storage of civilian explosives and other illegal and criminal acts that occur in the process of illegally mining coal resources. The general principle of severe punishment is that those who should be sentenced to heavy sentences should be resolutely sentenced to heavy sentences, so as to promote the continuous and stable improvement of the safety production situation.

三、Xie Moumou and Shao Mou obstructing public affairs case

(一)Basic case

At about 14:30 on February 7, 2020, Xie Moumou and his wife Shao Mou wanted to go home from the blockade of the greenway behind the residential area, and were taken by the sub-district office that was carrying out the government's epidemic prevention work there. The officer Wu XX discouraged him, and Xie XX and Shao scolded Wu XX, pushed Wu XX, and pushed Wu XX to the ground for beating. During this period, Xie Moumou hit Wu Moumou's head and face several times with his fists, picked up a cement block and hit Wu Moumou's head several times, and Shao Mou beat Wu Moumou's thigh, waist, etc. 4 minor injuries. Later, Xie Moumou and Shao Mou were summoned to the case by the public security organs behind the community, and voluntarily paid 20,000 yuan in compensation in advance during the case processing.

The court of first instance judged: Xie Moumou and Shao Mou violently beat the staff of state organs who carried out the government's epidemic prevention work according to law during the epidemic prevention and control period, causing them 4 minor injuries, and their actions constituted the crime of obstructing public affairs. The two had confessed circumstances and voluntarily accepted the punishment, which was given a lighter punishment in accordance with the law. According to the circumstances of Shao's crime, his repentance, and the fact that the two are husband and wife and have two young sons, a suspended sentence will be applied to Shao in accordance with the law. Xie Moumou was sentenced to one year and four months in prison for the crime of obstructing public affairs, and Shao Moumou was sentenced to six months of short-term imprisonment and one year of probation. After the first-instance judgment was pronounced, the procuratorial organ did not protest, Xie Moumou and Shao Mou did not appeal, and the judgment has taken legal effect.

(二)Reason for Judges

Article 277, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Law stipulates that whoever obstructs state functionaries from performing their duties according to law by means of violence or threats shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or a fine.

This case occurred during the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. As a staff member of the sub-district office where the incident occurred, Wu Moumou was carrying out the government's epidemic prevention work at the time of the incident. Xie Moumou and Shao Mou violated the epidemic prevention and control regulations and wanted to take a detour home from the trail. After being dissuaded by Wu Moumou, they beat them, causing Wu Moumou minor injuries, which seriously hindered the order of epidemic prevention and control work. The constituent elements of the crime of obstructing public affairs as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of Article 277 of the Criminal Law. Therefore, the people's court sentenced Xie Moumou and Shao Mou to fixed-term imprisonment and criminal detention respectively for the crime of obstructing public affairs.

(三)Typical meaning

The prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is related to the overall situation of social stability and economic development, and it is related to the safety and health of the people. It is the duty and responsibility of every citizen to abide by the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control policy and actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work. For behaviors that impede epidemic prevention and control work, not only should moral condemnation be given, but the legal responsibility of relevant personnel should also be investigated according to law. In order to punish illegal and criminal acts obstructing the prevention and control of the epidemic, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the "Opinions on Legally Punishing Illegal and Criminal Activities Obstructing the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic" in February 2020. The opinion clearly states that the law must be applied accurately, and all kinds of crimes that hinder the prevention and control of the epidemic must be severely punished in accordance with the law. Judicial organs must attach great importance to the punishment of crimes that hinder the prevention and control of the epidemic, make full use of legal provisions, severely punish all kinds of crimes that hinder the prevention and control of the epidemic, comprehensively consider all aspects of the case, and reasonably determine criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.